Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It occurred to me yesterday when I found out my class mate had my books, whether or not one should be punished or not simply by making a small mistake. Of course, we have this huge test today and since I live approximately 45-60 minutes away, I did not see why I had to drive out there. I began to think she should drive out here to drop off my books - at least, part ways! I studied, but it's hard to study without your books and I just couldn't afford to drive another 60 minutes to get to school, pick up my books and head on back (I can't study with other people - you know college students - we ooze avoidence over studying). Than again, I can't afford to bomb this test. I mean, if you make mistakes as a child, you usually got a hug or a talking too, but if I did this to my fellow peer (at least, over "forcing" her to drive that 30 extra miles if I meet her halfway), I'd probably be considered a you-know-what!

Sigh, I know she was crying in class a week ago over having an essay due in another class and got another student to do it for her - which ceased her teariness. Personally, I don't want to see her or hear her sniffling on the other line over possibly having to wasting her time to drive out here all that way (and I suppose her gas and money) to give me my books she picked up on accident. By the way, is her fault!

Since I was too tired last night to really fight anyone, I just rolled over and went to bed and woke up early to study. To think of it, mistakes are what sometimes kill people - it's the accidentally causing a fire, driving something and killing/injuring someone, and such like that. The things that give you knots in your stomach and make you pray you could just go back in time to change things... one more chance, please? Mistakes should be learned, but if you think about it, in quite a few situations, it can turn out rather deadly (parents backing up and running over their own children, someone playing a joke and at times harming another that could be fatal and things such as that! Isn't that scary to think about? It really did make me think. I know people would say, well everyone makes mistakes. Well, what about the people who've made the simple mistakes that had actually hurt someone? Is Manslaughter an accident you can just shrug off just like that? Something to think about, if you know what I mean.

I really should have made her meet me halfway last night! I've been overloaded with four tests this week! Another time.

On good topics, I have at least two boxes of eggs to ship out this Saturday! Yay! One goes to California and the other to Colorado :) There are a few other odds and ends, but I know for sure those go out! Wish me luck and hope some bubble wrap bundles tumble by!

Tootles! I will see you all when I come home! :)

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