Saturday, May 29, 2010

Peonies + Puppies

So I thought the peonies coming up were the prettiest things I have ever seen! They seem to always blossom around Memorial day and they are so large! I couldn't help but bring one inside! Boyfriend found a blue 1/2 gallon Mason jar and I knew right what its purpose in life would be! Isn't it pretty?
Here are my two Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (Splash) Roosters out grabbin' a snack before everyone else! I think they're so pretty!Anyways, while outside feeding the birds one day... I came across this! I wonder who did this?Of course, I can't forget Little Blue (Bear). She's been so darn cute these past couple of days! I've gotta say, I have been pretty sad Pinkie found a home with a friend of ours that needed a pick-me-up! Here are a few pictures of Pinkie and Little Bear and a lot of pictures of Little Bear!
Pinkie, back in the day!

Isn't she freakin' CUTE?

We can't forget Big Blue! :)

I EATS YOU! Har har har!

1 comment:

  1. Such precious animals! The roosters are particularly regal. This is CrownedInEarth from Etsy ;)
