Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Almost Existent Accident

So while scurrying home today, I almost got in an auto collision. The person was suppose to stop (I was at fault for not paying closer attention, I think) and didn't. I actually was going and the person pretty much hit the gas pedal. Lucky me and my father's ability to yell at me every time I was learning how to drive (it was painful!) I quickly maneuvered around the car and passed the sign (which I almost hit as well). Talk about a close call!

Anyways, these are still some of Sweet Chick's chicks... they're Buff Orpington X French Black Copper Marans. I am hoping these would produce "purple" eggs, but that's me. Who knows, they look pretty neat, I'm anxious to see what they will look like as adults. I know FBCMs aren't very pretty (I don't think they are) but I love the golden orbs that BOs turn into!

So onto my next topic... when I was a child, a pair of scissors and a piece of paper were my friend. I thought about this the other day, of days gone by. Something only my sister and I and even my mother and father probably remember. I don't think I've told anyone. I would cut things out and play with them. Into high school, I got into it again, but stopped. I have always loved cutting paper and thought about doing something with it, but never thought it was anything special. I recently found someone on etsy who cuts stuff... from paper. It is so talented and she is Asian. It makes me think, maybe Asians have a thing with paper? Origami? Paper cutting and folding? Hey, I'm trying :)

Meh. I will fix the pictures. Just look up :) That's swipka's work. Beautiful, isn't it? Any who, I am doing college paperwork, so I will get back later to tell more stories and add more blogginess! :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Them New Yorkers!

I'm all chicked-up! It seems everyone has peepers everywhere! Mine are to hatch Thursday/Friday - gonna go pick the up then! Hopefully a lot hatch out!
MagRags' herd in New York :)

Looks to be Cuckoo Marans (pures + hybrids) - they could be mixed with Barred Rock and Australorps :)

Har! Time to see who will purchase eggs and what will hatch out this March! :)

Well, Sweet Chicks had to show hers off again... :)

So there... by the way, a Light Sussex (and a half) chick has hatched out! Yay!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Michigan Chooks!

Well, I believe I shipped out 30 eggs with 6 freebies... 23 hatched out! I'm so excited! I think I at the time didn't know I could ship out 36 eggs, so I believe I only shipped her out 30. Boo hoo! Ha! So congrats to Sweet Chicks!

Anyways, here are Sweet Chick's peeps!

Speckled Sussex, Speckled Sussex X Welsummer, Orp mix & I believe a Cuckoo Marans (hybrid or pure)

Looks to be a black silkie - pure, I believe!

MagsRags' peepers hatched out too! She had purchased six eggs and apparently has four new peepers! I'm impatiently waiting for pictures! I am beginning to think we need to start shipping out eggs back to us ;) Everyone has better shipped egg hatch rates than we do!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

More Peep Peeps!

So... I have more pictures of little peepers hatched from my eggs! :)

These are Lakenvelders :) I believe from cutiepieacres in California! She had a stellar hatch rate, I believe 38 out of 50 eggs! :) I have another picture, but it won't go up. I'll post it again in a bit :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Alaska Peepers!

I just wanted to show off... PoultryPeeps in Alaska's new peepers! Are they not cute? My eggs shipped to her and the product? Peeps!

It seems shipped eggs have a lot of variation in hatch rate. Please note that sometimes hatch rates may be low. At times, the shipment/travel can cause a lot of issues, as well as your incubator (temperature fluctuations, breaking down, etc.). I just know that I still continue to try :) I have yet to have a high hatch rate (above 10-20%) but have had a few people with high hatch rates on my eggs as well as a few low ones. I'm thinking about giving half-priced eggs to those who have less than 50% hatch rates, since I know how disappointed I am when my eggs don't hatch.
Anyways, too tired. Will log in later ;) Got more peeper pictures!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Scurry scurry!

I've been itching to get my etsy shop together. So much materials to work with, but just enough material lackage that I can't really do much until I get those materials. Since I am PayPal/eBay illiterate (more so eBay), it's been really hard to get materials and supplies that I need!

My goal is to put 2-3 items per week :) And to start networking more often!

Anyways, I found this etsian's beautiful work! If I could crochet anything (anything at all!) I would! But all I can do now is drool and oogle over her work! I like her frog and her moose too! Gosh, I just saw her turtle! Haha!

Her site is:

Anyways, I'm currently posting pictures on Flickr - ughh, too many photos. Oh and by the way, Piper now has a beautiful baby sibling! And another one on the way (hopefully more!). We had purchased shipped eggs earlier on in February and here they are! A couple bad temperature fluctuations but still a baby peep! :) I've been calling the new one "Peeper" but I'm hoping it'll change since I think it's a dorky name. Piper keeps pecking on Peeper's toes - he thinks they're mealworms *face plant*

Now let me tell you, taking pictures of chicks is rather complicating and hard. Piper keeps trying to attack the camera and Peeper

Oh and I found someone had abandoned a yellow labrador yesterday. I would have been in such big trouble for bring him home... if he is there today, who knows what I may have to do :(

Just wanted to show you what is soon to come! I always get a lot of veggies and fruits to feed to our birdies! Doesn't it look YUMMY?

Anyways, that's all for now! Keep up! :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


So here is one of the chicks we purchased from Paul's Poultry. He raises such beautiful Wyandottes, that we had to purchase some! Kansas weather has been loopy and so I suppose when the chicks were sent over, we had a few casualties. This little guy was stuck with another little one who died later on :(

Anyways, so this is Piper :) The little peeper will not eat regular chick chow and peeps to be fed egg yolk and egg whites... funny thing is, he won't eat the yolk, just the whites. I even tried sneaking in chick chow into snacks. Nope. He sure does love mealworms!

His other siblings are about doubled his size, but I'll take care of him 'til I can find him some friends his size. I went to go pick up Silkies, but the guy who was suppose to order them for me didn't purchase any. I may be getting some silkies and red jungle fowl to be his 'new' siblings.

Anywho, this little guy is ornery. I remember laying in bed at night listening to him peep, because he is so imprinted on me. He will dance and jump and hop and scout and explore all while in the protective shelter and guard of Mama Hen-Who-Lacks-Fuzzy-Butt = me. lol

I believe he is a Golden Laced Wyandotte and he sure does look fierce. His little eyes are always set back in this angry I-will-eat-you or blow-fire-like-a-dragon look. You'd have to see it to believe me. He's living in the living room now in an apple box lid :)
Anyways, I gotta scad-daddle! Keep in touch! :)

Bubble Wrap + Warning Egg Stickers!

So I came home Thursday to find a bag of bubble wrap someone had shipped me! No idea who shipped it, but that was awful nice! I never liked the idea of purchasing 'packaged air,' but after learning that it does best to protect shipped eggs, I now pretty much breathe bubble wrap and plead for it! So to the person who sent me the bubble wrap bundle package ... thanks so much!

Another thing, boyfriend purchased some egg stickers :) It made me giggle!

So besides that, I'm shipping out another package of eggs tomorrow morning. Opal decided she no longer wanted to sit on her eggs (mind you, expensive eggs!) and I had to go wash 'em off and roll them into the incubator.

Need to add more things to my etsy. I suppose I should get a Facebook now! ::shivers::
I'm going to surprise the boyfriend by purchasing some Light Sussex, possible Splash Marans, Black Penedescenca and some more Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. I'd really like some Red Jungle Fowl and some more Silkies as well, maybe more types of Wyandottes and Marans. Oh some Coronation Sussex and Pumpkin Husley Gamebirds would be nice! Need to figure out how much space is left. I can't wait 'til it warms up! Garden time and the future-Orchard shall be set up!

By the way, Elkie got out... again! My bad, bad cow-calf creature :(
Oh and Piper decided (the wyandotte runt chick) I need to cook for him/her too. At least he/she has stop relying on me so much. I use to lie awake at night and hear the little peeper peep. I felt so bad to listen, but I can't find anyone with baby chicks for him/her to hang out with. Hopefully this week...

I guess for now, tootles!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It occurred to me yesterday when I found out my class mate had my books, whether or not one should be punished or not simply by making a small mistake. Of course, we have this huge test today and since I live approximately 45-60 minutes away, I did not see why I had to drive out there. I began to think she should drive out here to drop off my books - at least, part ways! I studied, but it's hard to study without your books and I just couldn't afford to drive another 60 minutes to get to school, pick up my books and head on back (I can't study with other people - you know college students - we ooze avoidence over studying). Than again, I can't afford to bomb this test. I mean, if you make mistakes as a child, you usually got a hug or a talking too, but if I did this to my fellow peer (at least, over "forcing" her to drive that 30 extra miles if I meet her halfway), I'd probably be considered a you-know-what!

Sigh, I know she was crying in class a week ago over having an essay due in another class and got another student to do it for her - which ceased her teariness. Personally, I don't want to see her or hear her sniffling on the other line over possibly having to wasting her time to drive out here all that way (and I suppose her gas and money) to give me my books she picked up on accident. By the way, is her fault!

Since I was too tired last night to really fight anyone, I just rolled over and went to bed and woke up early to study. To think of it, mistakes are what sometimes kill people - it's the accidentally causing a fire, driving something and killing/injuring someone, and such like that. The things that give you knots in your stomach and make you pray you could just go back in time to change things... one more chance, please? Mistakes should be learned, but if you think about it, in quite a few situations, it can turn out rather deadly (parents backing up and running over their own children, someone playing a joke and at times harming another that could be fatal and things such as that! Isn't that scary to think about? It really did make me think. I know people would say, well everyone makes mistakes. Well, what about the people who've made the simple mistakes that had actually hurt someone? Is Manslaughter an accident you can just shrug off just like that? Something to think about, if you know what I mean.

I really should have made her meet me halfway last night! I've been overloaded with four tests this week! Another time.

On good topics, I have at least two boxes of eggs to ship out this Saturday! Yay! One goes to California and the other to Colorado :) There are a few other odds and ends, but I know for sure those go out! Wish me luck and hope some bubble wrap bundles tumble by!

Tootles! I will see you all when I come home! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Holy Mackeral!

Hello there!
So here is the beginning(s) of... the beginning? Something wonderful and unique, I would hope!

First off, I would like to say, "Happy Birthday" to my boyfriend :)
I got him a spill-proof coffee maker set with coffee and filters - the whole shebang! (if you don't have a pot, you obviously can't spill anything... right?)

Hopefully I'll be able to post of all my creations on Etsy, as well as life on the farm and some quirky bits of information I find here and there :)

Preferably, the name of this site littlegreybantam came from a little bantam bird that I accidentally broke and fixed (I'll tell you her story another time). Although it was originally suppose to be littleBLUEbantam, that individual bantam had actually been carried off by an owl and so that is where Ladybird came into my life and made it more enjoyable, much more full of life and happiness and joy (and at times, frantic, exciting and a little annoying! Ha!). So in a sense, I'll add a little bit of this and a little bit of that!


My New Etsy Site to call my own:
And of course, this is one of my first items I posted up there! A pair of rattlesnake rattle earrings hanging off a coyote skull on top of a kitty cat skull! Me-Ow!

Hope you enjoy and hope you stay tune! :) Ta-ta!