Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gloomy Today...

So this morning we had to wake up early, because the waterline broke... so me and the boyfriend scurried up and out of the house and down to the farm. It was already a gloomy day, so this just made it a little more ... well, gloomy! Cold and tired and we had to be whisked off to do chores earlier than usual! By the time we got to the farm, we found a dead Lakenvelder hen... on the porch... with the dogs. I don't think the dogs killed her, but it was still bothersome! I still think one of those bad dogs killed her, because well 1+1=2 right? lol, well, I'm kidding, but who else is there to blame? The evidence was all there! There's one of the culprit in black and white!

Anyways, I had a quick perk me up! I realized I really should keep account on my daily life now, because there is so much beauty everywhere! While picking up trash around the farm, I came across this little Easter Egg... looked like a bumblebee and it really made me smile! I got to go Easter Egg hunting without even trying! :) Here it is in a bucket of Chicken Treats!

So I head inside and go to grab my favorite old Eskimo jacket... and before putting it on, I look at it. Old, tattered and worn to death with love. Lots of good old memories. A bit sad to see my favorite jacket in such terrible condition, but I do love that thing...

And not more than in a week, the beautiful lilacs were in bud and blooming and are smelling wonderful! I went to a farmer's market and there were so many sprigs in glass jars up for sale! Though I think lilac bushes are a pain in the rear the majority of the year, they are something that I imagine when I think of Kansas :)

Grandma only has gosh... three types? Purple, Magenta (err... pink?), Lilac-Blue Sky and White. But they smell wonderful! :)

And then of course, while I was wandering around the wilderness, I found my flock of Lakenvelders and a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Rooster out hunting for goodness!

I guess lately but not least, the boyfriend was digging up a way for the waterline... and he came across Buffalo bones! I asked how he knew it was buffalo bones and he says it wasn't cow bones, so I'll just believe him :)

Other than that, I had to drive into town to sell baby chicks. All twelve are now in their new home... let the hatching begin again! :)

Boy, it's hard working getting all those darn pictuers up ;) Will post more later!

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